7 Must-Read Books for the Budding Entrepreneur

One can learn a lot from books, as reading is a tool that can help change your perspective and broaden your horizon. Reading is a great learning tool that can guide you to the path of success. If you are a budding entrepreneur and do not know what you are doing wrong, you certainly need some new perspective. Here is a list of 7 books that will help you climb up the ladder of success:

1.     All Marketers Are Liars – Seth Godin

In this book, Seth Godin emphasizes the fact that every successful marketing campaign needs a good story, and sometimes you have to go ahead and create that story. The author confesses that while some stories may be based on the truth, a lot of the times you have to fake it.

2.     The Fire-Starter Sessions – Danielle LaPorte

LaPorte is an award winning motivational speaker and a successful entrepreneur. If you are having trouble climbing up the success ladder, you need to read this book for great insight on how to find a balance between work and home.

3.     The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth by James Altucher

This book will be your guide to the success and failures of James Altucher.

4.     Email Marketing Rules: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Practices That Power Email Marketing Success by Chad White

In order to be a success, you need a strong email list. A successful email marketing campaign is essential if you want to make it in the real world.

5.     Zag by Marty Neumeier

This book gives you insight into some of the best marketing strategies and how you can apply them to your brand.

6.     Big Bang Disruption: Strategy in the Age of Devastating Innovation by Larry Downes and Paul Nunes

This book offers you to a guide to how some of the best businesses started. With tips and plenty of examples, this book is sure to come in handy for future reference.

7.     How to Win At the Sport of Business – Mark Cuban

This book describes the struggle the author Mark Cuban goes through from being a powder milk salesman to being a successful entrepreneur.

Source: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/248803