4 Creative Ways to Instantly Boost the ROI of Your Content Marketing Efforts

Everybody is coming up with ways to strengthen their content marketing strategies. Recent research by Content Marketing Institute (CMI) and MarketingProfs, however, has shown a drastic drop in the effectiveness of content marketing for B2B companies. Here are four ways you can boost ROI on your content efforts:

1.     Create Documented Strategies

Recent reports published by CMI have shed light on the fact lack of documented strategies is what ultimately leads to ineffectiveness of content marketing. About 60% of companies with documented content strategies have reported success with their documented content marketing strategies. If you are having a hard time getting favorable results,you need to revise your approach and come up with a solid strategy.

2.     Create Resource Articles

There are many types of articles out there you can write, but you need to understand resource article writing is something that will pull you ahead and take your content marketing strategy to the next level.

3.     Leverage Content Upgrades in Your Articles

You must be aware traffic does not pay the bills.It is conversions that boost sales and generates revenue. A research in 2013 stated email is the best and largest driver of conversions even when compared to search and social combined. If you want to boost revenue, you need to give email a try. A highly effective way to get subscribers is using content upgrades. Content upgrades are relevant incentives you immediately offer to your readers after they have finished reading your content.

4.     Leverage Content Upgrades in Your Guest Posts

While people use content upgrades in articles, only a few people are aware of the benefits of using content upgrades on guest posts. The idea is simple: you basically have to offer immense value in your guest post on the blog you have written for and offer readers a great incentive. This helps you generate a new and wider audience, convincing more people to subscribe to your content.

Content marketing is only ineffective if you do not use the right tactics and strategies. Follow these tips and you will see a huge difference in your revenue.


Source: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/4-creative-ways-instantly-boost-roi-content-marketing-efforts/140195/